Coursebook for BHS
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For grades 9-12, one credit of Music (or Art) is required. The unit of music or art may be satisfied by a student’s participation in a major performing ensemble for 1 full year. Students who wish to participate in an ensemble must have performed in an ensemble in elementary school, middle school and will have a placement audition. Each 8th grade musician will have a placement audition in January. Students who wish to perform at the high school will demonstrate an appropriate skill level and a willingness to learn. It is extremely important to understand that all courses listed below (except Foundations of Music) are considered performing ensembles and the curriculum, and therefore the syllabus for each class, is based upon this philosophy. Most performances fall outside of the school day and are not only required events, but they are a part of the course grade each quarter/semester.
One Credit One Year
The Baldwin High School Concert Band is an ensemble comprised of students in grades 9-12 who are interested in playing music at the high school entry level. This class will focus on fundamentals of musicianship and technique and will perform less often on considerably easier repertoire. When students have achieved the required level of performance, they can audition for the Symphony Band or Wind Symphony. Concert Band is the normal placement for most freshman students. In addition to daily rehearsals, Concert Band members are expected to attend a weekly rotating lesson and perform in the Winter Concert, the Spring Concert, Band Day, the Memorial Day parade and NYSSMA Majors Adjudication Festival.
One Credit One Year
The Baldwin High School Symphony Band is comprised of students in grades 9-12. Membership into this ensemble is granted based upon an audition that demonstrates appropriate musical skill level requirements. Symphony Band rehearses every day and members are expected to perform quality band literature at the NYSSMA grade levels III through V. Students are strongly encouraged to attend NYSSMA as a soloist or in a small ensemble. They are expected to attend weekly rotating lessons and perform in the Winter Concert, the Spring Concert, the Suites and Sweets Pops Concert, NYSSMA Majors Adjudication Festival, Band Day, the Memorial Day Parade, and all home football games as members of the Pep Band. Auditions for this ensemble are given each year, and students must maintain the standards once accepted.
One Credit One Year
The Baldwin High School Wind Symphony is an Honors Level course open to high school students in grades 9-12. Membership is based upon an audition that demonstrates appropriate musical skill level requirements. This is the flagship band in our program and players are expected to practice consistently at home, attend NYSSMA as a soloist every year and are strongly encouraged to study privately outside of school. The Wind Symphony rehearses every day and performs in the Honors Concert, Winter Concert, Spring Concert, Suites and Sweets Pops Concert, the MS Recruitment Concert as well as Band Day, the Memorial Day Parade and home football games as part of the Pep Band. The group also participates in a bi-annual band trip, commissions new pieces for band, frequently rehearses and performs outside of school, and sometimes performs as a chamber ensemble for community events. In addition to band class every day, students are expected to attend weekly rotating lessons. This honors group performs NYSSMA levels V and VI music. Auditions for this ensemble are given every year, and students must maintain the standards once accepted.
One Credit One Year
The Baldwin High School Symphony Orchestra is an ensemble comprised of string students in grades 9-12 who are interested in playing music at the high school level. Focus will be on the fundamentals of musicianship, instrumental technique and quality orchestral literature NYSSMA Levels III-IV. Students are encouraged to attend the NYSSMA solo festival as a soloist or small ensemble. Symphony Orchestra is the normal placement for first-year students. In addition to daily rehearsals, Symphony Orchestra members are expected to attend weekly rotating lessons and practice at home. Students perform at three concerts a year and attend NYSSMA Major Adjudication Festival in the spring.
One Credit One Year
The Baldwin High School Chamber Orchestra is an Honors Level course open to high school students in all four grades. Membership is based on Audition. Focus will be on advanced musicianship and technique. Once accepted, players are expected to practice at home daily. It is required to attend NYSSMA as a soloist each year and private home instruction is strongly encouraged. The Chamber Orchestra rehearses every day and performs four concerts during the school year, along with small ensembles at community events. In addition to orchestra rehearsal and performances, students are expected to attend weekly rotating lessons. The Chamber Orchestra studies quality, advanced repertoire, NYSSMA Level V and VI, and attends NYSSMA Major Adjudication Festival each May. Students may audition for the Chamber Orchestra every year and must maintain the standards once accepted.
One Credit One Year
Vocal Harmonies is an upper voice ensemble for students in grades 9-12. Including daily rehearsals, each student is expected to participate in weekly lessons on a rotating schedule, to attend the Winter Concert, the Choral Festival and the Spring Concert. Music is selected from standard, quality choral literature for upper vocal registers of all major periods and language backgrounds. The Vocal Harmonies studies and performs NYSSMA Levels III-VI repertoire. Rehearsals focus on the art of singing and the development of vocal techniques.
Auditions for Vocal Harmonies take place every year and students must maintain standards once accepted. Only freshman students with exceptional musical knowledge and vocal technique will be considered for this ensemble.
One Credit One Year
The Baldwin High School Concert Choir is an ensemble comprised of males and female students (mixed chorus). It is an honors level course. Music is selected from standard, quality choral literature of all major periods and performs NYSSMA Levels IV-VI. Focus is on musicianship, vocal production, cultural studies, and linguistics. In addition to daily rehearsals, members are expected to participate in weekly lessons and sectionals on a rotating schedule and attend the Honors Concert, the Winter Concert, the MS Recruitment Concert, the Choral Festival, NYSSMA Majors and the Spring Concert. Occasionally there will be additional out of school performances. Auditions for Concert Choir take place every year, and once accepted students must maintain standards. Only freshman students with exceptional musical knowledge and vocal technique will be considered for this ensemble.
One Credit One Year
Prerequisite: Entrance exam, must belong to one of Baldwin HS’s major performing ensembles.
This course is a comprehensive, project-based study of music fundamentals for the advanced musician. Coursework includes music theory, composition, aural skills, sight-singing, analysis, and ear training skills. Students are expected to share musical examples and perform them during class on a daily basis in class. Students must complete a Composition Project.
One Credit One Year
Prerequisites: Entrance exam, must belong to one of Baldwin HS’s major performing ensembles, Comprehensive Foundations of Music 1 (not required, but suggested)
This course is a comprehensive, project-based study of advanced music fundamentals for the future college music major. Coursework includes music theory, composition, aural skills, sight-singing, analysis, ear training skills, advanced harmony and composition. Students are expected to share musical examples and perform them in class on a daily basis. Students are eligible to take the AP Music Theory examination and must complete a Composition Project.
One-half Credit One Year
Prerequisite: Music Department approval
Students who are interested in private study outside of the school day could be eligible for ½ credit of music (Instrumental and Vocal). The cost of private instruction is the responsibility of the student. Deadline for application is the end of the fourth week of school.
- Instruction from a qualified music teacher (as approved by the Baldwin High School Music Department) outside of the school
- Student must belong to one of Baldwin HS’s major performing ensembles, unless the ensemble does not contain their instrument (i.e. guitar, harp, organ, )
- Content studied should generally follow that outlined in the NYSSMA Manual and the National/State standards for Music
- Student must have a 30-minute period of instruction, and 5 hours of practice each week, for a minimum of 36 weeks.
- Private teacher will provide grades with each quarterly report.
- Sponsoring music teacher will periodically meet with the student and submit an evaluation at the conclusion of each marking