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Please contact the principal of your child's school for specific questions concerning reopening, including class schedules, pickup, dropoff procedures, and meals. You can also visit the FAQ section for more general information.
The plan below outlines the reopening of schools in the Baldwin UFSD for the 2021-22 school year, following the building closure related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This plan includes procedures for the following schools:
- Baldwin High School
- Baldwin High School@Shubert
- Baldwin Middle School
- Brookside Elementary School
- Lenox Elementary School
- Meadow Elementary School
- Plaza Elementary School
- Steele Elementary School
As always, the health and safety of students, staff and their families is the district's top priority. Please note that this plan should be considered a living document. We will continue to update the plan and our communication to families as needed. The most recent document will always be available on our website.
Fall 2021 Reopening Plan (Web Version for Easy Translating)
Forward: Priorities for 2021-22
A Message from the Superintendent of Schools
Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Staff, and Community Members,
We have been working nonstop since the spring to prepare for a smooth 2021-2022 opening of schools. Beyond the unusual circumstances of the 2020-2021 school year, we were still successful in providing an exceptional educational experience for our students and the support from our families and community members certainly had a hand in that success.
The Governor’s staff has informed the NYS Department of Education (NYSDOE) that the CDC guidelines should be the basis of preparing for the 2021-2022 school year until further information is issued by the Governor or DOH. The NYSDOE’s Office of Student Support Services recommends that schools’ use the CDC’s Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools and the American Academy of Pediatrics’ COVID-19 Guidance for Safe Schools as resources.
Some of the precautions we can expect to see this fall include:
- All classes will be in-person unless the Governor’s Office and Department of Education state otherwise.
- We will maintain at least 3’ distancing, where possible.
- Hallways/stairwells will be one-directional, where possible.
- We will maximize the use of outdoor learning spaces.
- Lockers will not be used at the secondary level until further notice.
- Parents are asked to perform a health screening of their children prior to sending them to school. If your child is sick, please keep him/her home. While this might be an inconvenience, it is essential in keeping our community healthy.
- Hand sanitizer will be available throughout our buildings and frequent hand washing will be encouraged.
- The additional custodial staff hired last year have been retained for frequent cleaning.
- Class sizes will remain low at the elementary level and to the extent possible, at the secondary level, with CDC recommended 3’ distancing in place.
Our district’s Reopening Taskforce has developed a plan that focuses on the following:
- The health and safety of the entire Baldwin community, with special emphasis on our students, faculty, and staff
- The importance of learning
- The social-emotional wellbeing of our school community
Every decision behind reopening has the best interest of every member of our school community as the focal point.
Please keep the following in mind as you review our 2021-2022 Reopening Plan:
- Our reopening plan is to provide guidelines for the reopening of schools and district office into safe environments by working collaboratively with the state and local health departments, the NYS Department of Education, NYS Governor’s Office, staff, students, families, and community members.
- As long as we are allowed by public health officials, schools will be open for in-person instruction and learning, and ALL students should be in school. Remember to reference district communications as your most credible source of information. We have created a website ( dedicated to the fall reopening. If you have a question or need further information, please contact your child’s principal. All of us play a role in ensuring the health and safety of ourselves and others. Please serve as an example and follow the health and safety precautions outlined in this document, on our website, district communications, and/or in our buildings. Remember to educate your family to do the same.
- Due to the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, where things can change at a moment’s notice, this plan will be updated as needed.
- Remember to reference district communications as your most credible source of information. We have created a website ( dedicated to the fall reopening. If you have a question or need further information, please contact your child’s principal.
- All of us play a role in ensuring the health and safety of ourselves and others. Please serve as an example and follow the health and safety precautions outlined in this document, on our website, district communications, and/or in our buildings. Remember to educate your family to do the same.
The cooperation, patience and understanding shown by our community throughout the pandemic has been outstanding. I look forward to working together to ensure our students experience another extraordinary school year.
Dr. Shari L. Camhi
Superintendent of Schools
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Response to Positive COVID-19 Case
Baldwin UFSD will collaborate and communicate with the school district lead physician, Dr. S. Kowal-Connelly and the Nassau County Department of Health. All cases will be reported to the Nassau County Department of Health and the district will follow their recommendations.
Masking, regardless of vaccination status, is strongly recommended for 10 days after a known exposure. Testing on day 5 after exposure is strongly recommended to detect infection among individuals as exposed or potentially exposed.
Symptomatic Individuals
Symptomatic individuals, regardless of vaccination status or recent infection, are required to remain at home until tested and, if positive or not tested, the individual is required to isolate for five (5) days (first day counts as day 0).
In addition, we will follow the protocol outlined in the NYSED Reopening Guidance document which are outlined below:
If Students or Staff become Ill with Symptoms of COVID-19 at School
- Baldwin UFSD should follow Education Law § 906
- Students suspected of having COVID-19 awaiting transport home by the parent/guardian must be isolated in a room or area separate from others, with a supervising adult present utilizing appropriate PPE.
- The CDC and NYSDOH recommend:
- Closing off areas used by a sick person and not using these areas until after cleaning and disinfection has occurred.
- Opening outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the area.
- Clean and disinfect all areas used by the person suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19, such as offices, classrooms, bathrooms, lockers, and common areas.
Return to School after Illness
Baldwin UFSD will always follow the latest New York State DOH and CDC guidance for allowing a student or staff member to return to school after exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19.
For Students
If a person is not diagnosed with COVID-19, they can return to school:
- Once they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication
- If they have been diagnosed with another condition that excludes Covid and has a healthcare provider’s written note stating they are clear to return to school
If a person is diagnosed with COVID-19 by a healthcare provider based on a test or their symptoms or does not get a COVID-19 test but has had symptoms, they should not be at school and should stay at home until:
- It has been at least SIX days since the individual first had symptoms (first day is technically Day 0, then Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5)
Upon return to school, the individual is required to wear a mask on Days 6-10. For more information, please visit the New York State Department of Health website for the latest guidelines at
For Staff
Please visit for the latest guidance on quarantine and isolation policies for staff.
Transportation and Nutrition
When the temperature is 45 degrees or higher bus windows/hatches will be ajar to allow for fresh air circulation. It is a parent’s responsibility to ensure their child(ren) is (are) not experiencing any signs of COVID-19 prior to boarding a school bus. The NYS Education Department has allowed flexibility with social distancing on school buses.
Proper nutrition is essential for students to be able to feel safe, grow, and learn. Baldwin UFSD has developed a food service plan to ensure students are able to eat safely while maintain social distancing. Children will continue to eat lunch in classrooms at the elementary level and at individual desks or physically distanced in middle and high school, where possible.
Covid-19 Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocols
Reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by cleaning and disinfecting is an important part of reopening public spaces that will require careful planning. Every American has been called upon to slow the spread of the virus through social distancing and prevention hygiene, such as frequently washing your hands and wearing face coverings. Everyone also has a role in making sure our communities are as safe as possible to reopen and remain open. The virus that causes COVID-19 can be killed if you use the right products. EPA has compiled a list of disinfectant products that can be used against COVID-19, including ready-to-use sprays, concentrates, and wipes. Each product has been shown to be effective against viruses that are harder to kill than viruses like the one that causes COVID-19.
Intensify Cleaning and Disinfection Efforts for High Cases in Community
- Routinely clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that are frequently touched. This may include cleaning objects/surfaces not ordinarily cleaned daily (e.g., doorknobs, light switches, classroom sink handles, countertops, keyboards).
Clean and Disinfecting of COVID-19 Confirmed Case in Schools
- Clean and disinfect area thoroughly.
- Close off areas used by the individuals with COVID-19 and wait as long as practical before beginning cleaning and disinfection to minimize potential for exposure to respiratory droplets. Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the area.
- Cleaning staff should clean and disinfect all areas (e.g., offices, bathrooms, and common areas) used by the ill persons, focusing especially on frequently touched surfaces.
- If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned using a detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection.
Bathroom Cleaning During Operation of School
Secondary Buildings
Bathrooms in secondary buildings will be checked, cleaned and disinfected regularly. The bathroom check sheet will be filled out after each bathroom is complete.
Items to be checked:
- Waste basket emptied
- Toilets flushed
- Hand soap checked
- Paper towels checked
- Toilet paper checked
- Sinks and toilets wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Flush meters wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Sinks and toilets wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Door handles wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Paper towel dispensers wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Toilet paper dispensers wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Partition door handles wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
Elementary Bathrooms
Bathrooms at elementary schools will be checked during teacher prep times if bathrooms are in the classrooms. Bathrooms in common areas will be checked throughout the day at least three times throughout the day. The bathroom check sheet will be filled out with date and time included.
Items to be checked:
- Waste basket emptied
- Toilets flushed
- Hand soap checked
- Paper towels checked
- Toilet paper checked
- Sinks and toilets wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Flush meters wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Sinks and toilets wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Door handles wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Paper towel dispensers wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Toilet paper dispensers wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Partition door handles wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
Nurse Room
Nurse room at both secondary and elementary schools shall be cleaned and disinfected with a plan that includes the building principals, nurse and head custodian to organize an ideal time to clean and disinfect the nurse's room. In most cases, such as elementary schools, a uniform time may be right after lunch as high volume of nurse visits is during lunchtime.
Items to be checked, cleaned, and disinfected:
- Countertops wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Nurse desk wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Bathrooms wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Doorknobs wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Phones wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Nurse bed wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
- Light switches wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant
High Hand Contact Cleaning
High hand contact cleaning will continue from the start of school. This will be built into the normal daily cleaning schedule for all schools throughout the year. The below items will be wiped down with cleaner and disinfectant.
- Doorknobs inside and outside
- Light switches
- Flush meters
- Sink faucets
- Bathroom stall doors
- Paper towel dispensers
- Toilet paper dispensers
- Desktops
- Countertops
- Phones
- Any other surfaces that are frequently touched by people
Ventilation and Doorways
The district will maintain adequate ventilation. The district is also collaborating with a consultant to assess conditions and capacity of existing units/air flow while integrating MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) ratings. Stairs and corridor doors have closers with automatic hold opens. These doors will remain open. Classroom doors will also remain in the open position to reduce the spread of the disease by reduce students and staff touching doorknobs.
Emergency Drills
Education Law § 807 requires that schools conduct 8 evacuation and 4 lockdown drills each school year. When planning drills, consideration will be given to the guidelines recommended by the DOH and NYSED Reopening document to minimize risk of spreading infection. As such, it may be necessary drills in the 2021-22 school year to be conducted using protocols that are different than the previous year, such as conducting drills on a “staggered” schedule and ensuring all students participate in all emergency drills.
The district will continue with all statutory requirements and inspections.
Healthy and Safety
Health Screenings
Parents are still recommended to screen their child each morning before sending them to school.
All cases will be reported to the Nassau County Department of Health and the district will follow their recommendations.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Protocol
Baldwin UFSD has reviewed the OSHA COVID-19 guidance on how to protect staff from potential exposures as well as CDC guidance on proper PPE use.
- Masks will not be required. However, regardless of vaccination status, students and staff should wear a mask upon return from isolating during days 6 through 10 after COVID-19 infection and masks are strongly recommended for 10 days after a known exposure. Pursuant to the Dignity For All Students Act, student have the right to a school environment free from harassment and bullying.
Outside Visitor Protocol
- Appointments will need to be made in order for a visitor to access a school building.
- All buildings will require visitors to sign in and a log will be maintained with the date, time, and places visited to assist with contact tracing efforts, if necessary.
- We will evaluate whether and to what extent community organizations can safely utilize the district facilities.
- If access is granted to community organizations, they will be required to follow the school district’s health and safety plans and NYS Department of Health guidance.
- We will review facility use agreements and establish common facility protocols for all users of the facility.
Baldwin Union Free School District (UFSD) will provide clear and consistent communications to students, parents, staff, and community members before and during reopening of schools and throughout the 2021-2022 school year, leveraging various channels. The district aims to ensure that all audiences stay informed and updated at all times with the latest information.
The district will utilize a variety of communication methods, including a central website location at:
- Provide target audiences with clear and ongoing communications about expectations for the 2021-2022 reopening, especially as the situation changes
- Foster strong two-way communication for all audiences across the district, including parents, students, faculty and staff
- Make reopening plans easily accessible in a central location on the Baldwin UFSD website ( and available in relevant languages of Baldwin families, as well as for those with visual and/or hearing impairments
Target Audiences/Stakeholders
The communications component of the plan will target:
- Parents/Guardians
- Students
- Administration
- Faculty
- Staff
- Visitors, including Community Members
Communication Channels
Please note that many of these channels are easily accessible from the district website at:
- Central location for plans and other important information and guidelines related to reopening and e-learning protocols
- Website Alerts
- Alerts will pop up on any of the district’s website pages and will feature updated messages for the community.
- Website District Calendar
- A copy of the district calendar can be download directly to a cell phone. Date and time changes and any other new information will automatically get updated, which includes any cancellations. Just follow these instructions.
Electronic Signage
- Electronic signs located throughout each building, predominately at the main entrance, will include important messaging related to health and safety policies
- Digital Marquee (large electronic sign), located on Grand Avenue, will provide brief reminders for the community, such as where to find information on the website and whether or not schools are open, etc.
Email/Text/Broadcast Messages
- Through email, text, and phone calls, Baldwin UFSD will continue to disseminate information. Families should make sure to update contact information, including a mobile phone, with the main office of their child’s school. All high school students should also make sure their cell phone number is on file in case of an emergency.
- Baldwin residents with no children in the K-12 school system (including private and parochial), who would still like to receive important updates from the district to the community, please visit to sign up.
Virtual Backpacks
- At times, specifically targeting K-5, information will be placed in Virtual Backpacks for parents, which are located on each of the school’s individual websites.
The Baldwin Beat
The official quarterly newsletter that is mailed out to all Baldwin homes, will feature any important updates and reminders, as needed.
2021-2022 District Calendar
- Mailed to all Baldwin residents and copies are also available in Registration (960 Hastings Street), the calendar will feature preventative measures for the spread of COVID-19 and reminder about signing up for important messages.
- Stop the Spread signs are placed in prominent locations throughout the schools and the District Office to create a constant visual reminder of prevention strategies.
- Signs on hand washing are placed on or close to mirrors/in front of sinks in bathrooms as visual reminders to wash hands for at least 20 seconds.
- Directional arrows are also placed in hallways/stairways to indicate traffic flow.
- At the main entrance, reminders about wearing masks and social distancing are also be posted.
Sample Signage
Other Methods for Communications
Broadcast Media- For sudden school closures, the district may send updates to NBC Channel 4, WNYW Channel 5, ABC Channel 7, News 12 Long Island and radio stations, WCBS 880AM and WINS 1010 AM. The news outlets will either announce on the air, run across the bottom of the screen, and/or simply post to their main website.
School Announcements
- Within the schools, during the morning announcements, building principals will highlight prevention and hygiene strategies and remind students of the proper safety protocols.
Family, Staff, and Student Expectations
Families, staff, and students take a critical role in keeping our schools open and our school community safe and healthy. To participate in an in-person model, regardless of the phase, we need full cooperation with all the expectations outlined in this document. All these mitigation strategies are necessary for stopping the spread of the virus.
Stay at Home if Feeling Ill: Students and staff must stay home if they are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or if they have come in close contact with someone with COVID-19.
Monitor Health Daily: Parents and staff are expected to screen daily for symptoms, including temperature checks.
Face Covering or Masks Optional: Based on the most recent joint guidance document, it is recommended individuals should mask in school for ten days after exposure, regardless of vaccination status.
Social Distancing Required: Students and staff must maintain social distancing when feasible.
Frequent Hand Washing or Sanitizing: Students and staff must engage in frequent hand washing or sanitizing upon arrival, before and after meals, after bathroom use, and after coughing or sneezing.
Students Must Be Fully Engaged in All Learning Activities: Students are expected to be active participants in all learning activities regardless of the instructional setting. In addition, they are expected to be self-directed learners and follow the Code of Conduct whether learning in-person or remotely.
The plan outlined here is for the reopening of schools in the Baldwin UFSD for the 2021-22 school year, following the building closure related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This plan includes procedures that will be followed in the following schools:
- Baldwin High School
- Baldwin High School@Shubert
- Baldwin Middle School
- Brookside Elementary School
- Lenox Elementary School
- Meadow Elementary School
- Plaza Elementary School
- Steele Elementary School
Dr. Shari Camhi will serve as the district’s COVID-19 Coordinator. The district’s Director of Health, Physical Education and Athletics will work closely with our local health department , serving as a central contact for schools and stakeholders, families, staff and other school community members and will ensure the district is in compliance and following the best practices per state and federal guidelines.
Forward: Priorities for Fall 2021 Reopening
Forward: Priorities for Fall 2021 Reopening
A Message from the Superintendent of Schools
Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Staff, and Community Members,
We have been working nonstop since the spring to prepare for a smooth 2021-2022 opening of schools. Beyond the unusual circumstances of the 2020-2021 school year, we were still successful in providing an exceptional educational experience for our students and the support from our families and community members certainly had a hand in that success.
The Governor’s staff has informed the NYS Department of Education (NYSDOE) that the CDC guidelines should be the basis of preparing for the 2021-2022 school year until further information is issued by the Governor or DOH. The NYSDOE’s Office of Student Support Services recommends that schools’ use the CDC’s Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools and the American Academy of Pediatrics’ COVID-19 Guidance for Safe Schools as resources.
Some of the precautions we can expect to see this fall include:
- All classes will be in-person unless the Governor’s Office and Department of Education state otherwise.
- We will maintain at least 3’ distancing, where possible.
- Hallways/stairwells will be one-directional, where possible.
- We will maximize the use of outdoor learning spaces.
- Lockers will not be used at the secondary level until further notice.
- Parents are asked to perform a health screening of their children prior to sending them to school. If your child is sick, please keep him/her home. While this might be an inconvenience, it is essential in keeping our community healthy.
- Hand sanitizer will be available throughout our buildings and frequent hand washing will be encouraged.
- The additional custodial staff hired last year have been retained for frequent cleaning.
- Class sizes will remain low at the elementary level and to the extent possible, at the secondary level, with CDC recommended 3’ distancing in place.
Our district’s Reopening Taskforce has developed a plan that focuses on the following:
- The health and safety of the entire Baldwin community, with special emphasis on our students, faculty, and staff
- The importance of learning
- The social-emotional wellbeing of our school community
Every decision behind reopening has the best interest of every member of our school community as the focal point.
Please keep the following in mind as you review our 2021-2022 Reopening Plan:
- Our reopening plan is to provide guidelines for the reopening of schools and district office into safe environments by working collaboratively with the state and local health departments, the NYS Department of Education, NYS Governor’s Office, staff, students, families, and community members.
- As long as we are allowed by public health officials, schools will be open for in-person instruction and learning, and ALL students should be in school.
- Due to the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, where things can change at a moment’s notice, this plan will be updated as needed.
- Remember to reference district communications as your most credible source of information. We have created a website ( dedicated to the fall reopening. If you have a question or need further information, please contact your child’s principal.
- All of us play a role in ensuring the health and safety of ourselves and others. Please serve as an example and follow the health and safety precautions outlined in this document, on our website, district communications, and/or in our buildings. Remember to educate your family to do the same.
The cooperation, patience and understanding shown by our community throughout the pandemic has been outstanding. I look forward to working together to ensure our students experience another extraordinary school year.
Dr. Shari L. Camhi
Superintendent of Schools