• For Athletes (Grades 6-12)

    Baldwin Union Free School District now uses FinalForms, an online forms and data management service.

    FinalForms allows parents to complete athletic participation forms for student-athletes, as well as the required New York State physical form, online. The data will be saved from season-to-season and year-to-year, and therefore, parents will never need to enter the same information twice. 

    Parents will be required to sign forms once per year and after any update. 

    Access FinalForms at https://baldwin-ny.finalforms.com.

    Instructions and Technical Assistance for FinalForms

    Please review the "Parent Playbook" to learn how to get started in FinalForms. For technical support or questions, please contact Mr. Drew Cronin, the Interim Athletic Director for Baldwin UFSD, at 516.434.6081.