Phone: 516.434.6155


Degrees and Certifications:

1989 Syracuse University BFA Art Education/Painting 1996 Adelphi University MA Photography

Ms. Liemer-Kelly

Standard Art One Exercise 


This page will be updated shortly.

Looking forward to creating with my students this year.


There are many avenues to learning art. Some roads are found by opening up a brand new box of color pencils, while others require getting on a train and exploring new environments. I look forward each year to new adventures inside and outside of our classroom. Whether it is a field trip to a museums, putting together a strenuous portfolio, seeing a new play or coordinating with our community to beautify it with our talents, our roads are many and colorful.  The most important road in our creative journey is the one where a student finds their artistic voice and the confidence to create art seamlessly with the world around them. That road is different for each artist at Baldwin High School, and watching the struggles, mistakes, experiments and successes is the highway I get to travel every year. I love introducing our students to new materials and new ideas and every year I am rewarded with the new paths they find during our journey.