Baldwin High School World Languages

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    The English as a New Language (ENL) Program at Baldwin is designed to support all of our English learners at every age and at every stage of language acquisition.  Our goal is to provide our students with rich learning opportunities through which they can learn how to listen, speak, read and write in English, as well as learn academic content in mathematics, science, social studies and the arts.

    The ENL program at Baldwin consists of a Stand Alone ENL component and an Integrated ENL component. During Stand Alone ENL, students who are only beginning to learn English will work in small groups with an ENL teacher to build basic vocabulary, literacy and communication skills. During Integrated ENL, ENL teachers will co-teach with classroom teachers in ELA, social studies, or science. Classroom teachers and ENL teachers will work together to ensure that English language learners are receiving meaningful instruction that allows them to learn new content.


  •  Dr. Jimmy Kalamaras
     Director of Foreign Languages and English as a New Language (ENL)