The Baldwin elementary schools focus on educating the whole child - socially, emotionally, and academically. Differentiated learning takes place every day in all of our classrooms. At Lenox, our instructional program is enhanced through the use of Socratic Seminar, which enables our students to delve deeply into discussions around topics such as human and civil rights. Our teachers embrace the opportunity to learn new instructional models that foster verbal and cognitive engagement as well as collaborative work. Lenox students are busy writers and complete “How To” books, informational and fiction books, personal narratives and original poetry throughout the year. As we move to provide more instruction and resources for each level of learner, staff is being provided with extensive professional development. Lenox teachers are enhancing writing instruction with Teacher’s College Writer’s Workshop. Our Eureka Math program has been enthusiastically embraced by our teachers who welcome the fact that it builds true conceptual understanding for students. Additionally, we are preparing our students for the future and we do this by really engaging our students in project based learning. Students work collaboratively to solve problems and engage in rigorous yet cognitively engaging work.