Name | Title | Phone | |
Dorothy Goosby | Town of Hempstead Senior Councilwoman | 516.489.5000 x4304 | dgoosby@tohmail.org |
Donald X. Clavin, Jr. | Town of Hempstead Supervisor | 516.489.6000 | dclavin@tohmail.org |
Bruce A. Blakeman | Nassau County Executive | 516.571.3131 | Bblakeman@nassaucountyny.gov |
Debra Mule | Nassau County Legislator | 516-571-6206 | kabhttps://www.nassaucountyny.gov |
Brian Curran | New York State Assemblymember | 516.561.8216 | curranb@nyassembly.gov |
Kevin Thomas | New York State Senator | 516.739.1700 | thomas@nysenate.gov |
Kathy Hochul | New York State Governor | 518.474.8390 | gov.hochul@chamber.state.ny.us |
Anthony D'Esposito | United States Congressmember | 516.225.5516 | desposito@house.gov |
Kirsten Gillibrand | United States Senator for New York | 202.224.4451 | http://www.gillibrand.senate.gov |
Charles Schumer | United States Senator for New York | 202.224.6542 | http://www.schumer.senate.gov |
Joe Biden | United States President | 202.456.1111 |