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Data Privacy Tips

Whether at home or at work, everyone is encouraged to take responsibility for protecting personal information.

Baldwin Union Free School District takes protecting the confidentiality of the personal information that is collected and use seriously. Some of the measures the district takes to do so include following industry standards and recommended practices to protect the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of personal information, providing annual data privacy and security training to employees, and maintaining oversight of partners and vendors. 

Below are some important tips for Baldwin families and staff when it comes to ensuring data privacy: 

Personal info is valuable. Protect it.

Your purchase history, IP address, location, etc., has value – just like money. Make informed decisions about sharing your data with companies. Consider the amount of personal information you are giving up and weigh it against the benefits you may receive. Use these resources provided by the National CyberSecurity Alliance  to update your privacy settings on popular devices and online services.

Keep tabs on your apps.

Many apps ask for access to personal information like geographic location, contacts list or a photo album, before you can use their services. Be wary of apps that require access to information that is not required or relevant for the services they are offering. Use these tips from the Data Detox Kit to keep your apps up to date, and delete unused apps on your devices.

Manage your privacy settings.

Check the privacy and security settings on web services and apps and set them to your comfort level for sharing. Each device, application or browser you use will have different ways to control how you share information.

Any questions, please contact Instructional Technology.