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Parent Academy Workshops

The Parent Academy Workshop is a program sponsored by the Baldwin Union free School District in partnership with the Baldwin Council of PTAs to bring knowledge, awareness, and support to our Baldwin families. Topics range from emotional learning to curriculum information and areas of academic interest. The district implemented this program to empower our parents and caregivers with key information, resources, training as well as guidance for our Baldwin families so they can be more involved in their children’s school. All workshops take place in the evening. 

Upcoming Events

Past Events

March 18, 2024


Join Baldwin Union Free School District and the Baldwin Council of PTAs for an evening dedicated to wellness and self-care, featuring Baldwin educators leading our mindfulness initiative, Ms. Ashley Occhino and Ms. Lee Ann Burke.

March 29, 2022

“Social Media and Teens: What Parents should Know and guidance on Device-Free Family Time”

Families need to know about the negative impact of social media on teens. Some of the effects include sleep disruption, bullying, peer pressure, as well as unrealistic views of other people's lives. Learn more about the steps you can take to encourage responsible use of social media and limit these negative effects. In addition, we will discuss family-oriented options for device-free time. Featuring guest speaker, Jennifer Rojas.

November 9, 2021

Learn more about Yale University's RULER Program (K-5) and Restorative Practices Program (6-12), which are being implemented in Baldwin UFSD schools. Experts also discuss how children can acquire essential communication and interpersonal skills while focusing on reasoning, problem solving, self-confidence, taking responsibility for actions and self-motivation. Featuring Guest Speakers: Adele Bovard and Marc Bracket

Presentation Slides