Redefining Ready & Advocacy Work
New York State Redefining Ready Proposal
AASA Redefining Ready Information
Newsday Op-Ed: Upgrading the NYS High School Diploma
The Hill Op-Ed: "6 Ways to Transform Public Education — Minus the Negative Rhetoric"
Newsday Guest Essay: "Why Standardized Test Measurement Cannot Remain Our Only Standard"
Newsday Letter to the Editor: "Schools Can Give Kids Needed Tools"
Education Dive: “Community Partnerships Set Students Up for Success in College and Careers”
NYS Council of School Superintendents Councilgram: “Redefining Ready! New York Style”
Education Week: "An Unorthodox Strategy Closes Academic Gaps"
School Administrator Magazine: "Adaptive Leadership for a Post-COVID World"
AASA Insight: President's Corner - School Administrator Magazine
"Nurturing Students Wherever They Are"
"It's About the Why Behind the Problem"
"The Creation of Next Generation Learning"
"Interdependence of Schools and Communities"
"Social Media and Positive School Culture"
"Re-imaging Our School Buildings"